e enjte, 21 qershor 2007

Entry #004

(Sorry that I wasn't up to date for the past couple of days, I'm back on track now.)

Summer has been going by very well. Not too fast, not too slow. I like that. People think that they want summer to last forever. I think that we actually have more than enough time. School is important, no matter how much we refuse. I'm going into high school next year. Ridley High School seems exciting to me. I will finally be a freshmen. I love that word, it's very vivid in it's own weird way. I admit that it's not that I don't like reading books, I just never feel the time to do so. I try my best to sit down and read but I always find something better to do. I have summer reading and I don't even know when I'm going to start reading.
Putting school aside, I still have really bad sleeping habits. I went to bed around 7 this morning. Woke up at 5:30 with a very disgruntled mood. I shouldn't rely on my friends if they're going to make me stay up that late for them.
Goddammit, why doesn't Blogger make the tab a function. All I want to do is press the tab button and presto my introduction sentence shifts several spaces to the right. I hope others agree with me.
(Edit: I 7 space my paragraphs now)
(EDIT Edit: That doesn't work either. I NOW center my paragraphs.)
(EDIT EDIT Edit: CENTER DOESN'T WORK. I now color code my paragraphs.)
Well theres a solution to reading confusion. Now I need to calm myself down. This air conditioner is cold as hell. I bet in 10 minutes I'm going to be scalding hot. Wow. The room is so silent now I hear the silent sound of high frequency. Hah.
I got new strings for my guitar. If I can recall, I can name every set of strings my Iceman has had. 2-4 & 6 are Ernie Balls.
  1. Ibanez Stock Strings (Probably 10's-46's) ("Wow mom I can play" era)
  2. Beefy Slinky (11-15-22P-30-42-54) (Rhythm guitar era)
  3. Skinny Top Heavy Bottom (10-13-17-30-42-52) (SystemofaDownWannabe era)
  4. Not Even Slinky (12-16-24P-32-44-56) (Heavy Rocking era)
  5. Fender Original 150's (9-11-16-24-32-42) ("Let me play faster" era)
  6. Extra Slinky (8-11-14-22-30-38) ("Let me freaking shred" era)

I'm sorry to say but I don't feel like typing anymore. I'll blog very soon hopefully.

10:38 PM
Thursday, June 21, 2007.
Summer starts today.

e diel, 17 qershor 2007

Entry #003

My grandfather came over today at my grandmom's (also my father's) house today. I haven't seen him for about a whole year. He has Alzheimer's disease. He has had it for several years now, not much time left for him. The thing is, I used to play pranks on him and be annoying and obnoxious around him as a kid. This was before I knew the seriousness of the disease. After that he has disliked me a lot. He held a grudge against me. Everytime he would see me he would attempt to threaten me and cry "Get the hell out of here!" or something alont that line. It was very pitiful to me. I didn't want to annoy him anymore by 12 and 13. Sadly I still did a little, but It really is not a funny issue.
I really do love him. I probably won't cry when he passes though. He's in his 80's and the time is just about right for his passing. Anyways, I came in the living room and saw him. Same old thick glasses, big and buldgy but yet kept his eyes at the same appearance. New haircut, cut short but still with a fuzzy bush to it. A weak and calm face, with the expression of confusion. The same clothes that will always remind me of the Cosby Show. Then he glanced up at me. He smiled.
Now wait a minute. This man is smiling at me. He must be completely senial. But then he started laughing. Sarcasm maybe? Maybe he's about to say "I'm going to kick your ass" with a clever getaway so everybody thinks he's joking with me. He does not beat me by the way, he's not that evil. After the couple seconds of laughter that felt like hours he looks at me in deep concentration and asks me who I am.
...That really got to me. He knew everybody else except for me. I guess his hate brain cells faded away. I mind as not know who he is either. This officially means that I don't exist to him, meaning that he's dead to me. He was a nice man. He used to be an employee at a school. I might not see him again. He's at a nursing home now. I'll miss him, but then again, I've been with him enough.

Love you pop-pop.
8:05 PM
Sunday, June 17, 2007.

Entry #002

Getting ready for bed soon. I need to not make staying up all summer a habbit. That really corrupted my sleeping schedule for the beginning of the next school year.
I'm about to make some cold pizza... hot. Papa John's Pizza is pretty good. They are quite expensive though. The pizza is really great quality if you ask me. If you are one of my Ridley friends you can tell that Double Decker Pizza is quite more rushed and costs less. Thank heavens I still get food from family guardians.
I still like her. Well, of course I do, my last entry was hours ago. I'm going to microwave some pizza now, I'm hungry as hell. - 4:57 AM
Hahah, a few minutes have passed and all I have on my lap is 2 small slices of Cheese Pizza. Oh well. I can't see where I'm putting my glass down, I'm getting paranoid that it's just going to fall over. Man, this pizza is good. Their dough is so delicious.
I am obsessed over foods with Cheese and/or Dough containment. That is surely why I love pizza... Finished pizza. That was good! And suprisingly full. I'm ashamed of myself today. Whenever I ate today I literally ate untill I could not eat anymore. June is always my fat month. Oh well. By the way I have been told I am a Metrosexual. I really believe that I'm not and I hope not. No offense but I am straight and only straight. I also know that Metro does not mean gay, bi or anything of that nature. I just don't know. All I know is that I am straight.
I wonder about my future with my blogging. I can look back at this and say "Hey, I remember when I was staying up all night at my dad's eating leftover pizza in the summer." It's just a very fun thing to look back to, no matter how unnessicary. Hopefully nothing will happen with my blog. At the moment I'm trying to get my friends into Blogger. I think it's pretty interesting and creative. I'm suprised this is from Google. No offence to them but this is a great website for what they do.
It's funny, when I was about 8, I created my first AOL Instant Messenger (AIM) screen name. It was Art678955. As of today I still use that screen name. About a month ago I finally, (finally!) created artieACORNS 8D. Let me be, I can have these screen names if I want. I'm 14, remember that.
It's also funny how our teenage world abbreviates things and so.
  1. Hey! What's your aim? :D - More than half of these rockheads don't even know what it stands for, so they think this service has a spiffy verb phrase
  2. I made my whole myspace layout myself! I used eichtee emell coding! - Yeah, I have seen kids who heared actually pronounce the abbreviation as words! And trust me, not many start their whole damn thing from scratch. Little 6th grader girls try to make themselves so cool because they found out how to type < 'b' > or < 'i' > or etc. Us teenage guys learned how to masturbate too. We don't slip our < 'p' >'s in your face you know.
  3. I photoshopped a drawing for you! I have a bad photoshop. - Photoshop is actually a word that Adobe themselves said should never be said as a verb again. Photoshop, or Adobe Photoshop is image editing software by Adobe. I doubt some of you have that. MSPaint is NOT Photoshop. Microsoft Image WHATEVER is NOT Photoshop. Get that to your head.
  4. Draw me something on Miss Paint! - Microsoft isn't the father of MSPaint, a little virgin girl program who wants to be used all the time, hence why the name is MSPaint. That was a joke I hope you know. MSPaint is short for Microsoft Paint. So please call it that. If you don't believe me then notice how they're called Miss America, not MSAmerica.
Really now. I'm going to sleep. Goodnight, and thank you for listening to my ramblings.

5:11 AM
Sunday, June 17, 2007.

Entry #001

Hello. My name Is Artie Milano. As of today I am 14 years old. I think my life is very unique, dispite the fact that I fell down a basement stairway at 10 months.

Life is great right now. Well, restricting the fact of the person I think I'm in love with.

I don't believe you can have true love at this age. But why wait. We need to live this living hell of earth. Have fun with your life. Relationship or not. Never let your so called love get to you.

That's all I can say. My opinion surely will change.

And yes. There is a girl.
The one who made me stop "whoring" over other girls.
I'm tearing right now just realizing how much I like this girl.
I'm sorry I can't tell you who.
I'm really upset about the ones that know.

I have liked her for almost 3 months. And not because the fact that she is beautiful or anything else a shallow fuck wants.

She reminds me of me. And most importantly the kind of person I want to be with.
I love her ways, her personality, the way I feel around her. And no, she does NOT relate to an R&B song I hear on the radio. Oh come on you corny freaks.

I didn't mean to use the "L" word. Too powerful, I need to know when to actually use it.

I support fake love.
I support gay love.
I support lust love.
I support drama love.
I support ghetto love.
I support one-night-stands.

Look. The gay love part is an acception but the other ones; I want people out there to realize their dumb decisions and live their own way. They can do what they want.

Leave the ones that want the real thing be. And we'll leave you other types of love be too. Our world needs varieties.

A world with a sunny day everyday would get boring.
That's why we need to look foward things in life.
Remember that emo ones.
Just because you don't get who and what you wan't doesn't mean your life should be over.
You need to get yourself over it. Move on.

Enough of love talk.
I will admit I have problems.

  1. Procrastination - I take almost everything to the last minute. That's why I almost failed 8th.
  2. Sexuality - I masturbate regularly and almost at a daily rate. I'm trying to stop for a bit. I am currently on day 7.
  3. People Pleaser - I never want to do something somebody feels uncomfortable with. I always want people to feel happier for me. Especially with my relationship life. I do anything for them. Also in pornography, I can not watch something that obviously shows displeasement/hatred in the mate. I am obviously a sensitive pervert.
  4. Childness - I need to grow up.
  5. Maturity - I also need to loosen up.
  6. Low Self-Esteem - It will take a lot for me to apreciate myself in life again.
  7. Love - I don't want to love this girl just to let you all know. But I do.
  8. Guitar - I'm too obsessed with it. My friends do get annoyed when I hog it from them. I am greedy about it. I can't help it. I love music.
  9. Crying - You will probably never see me cry. But I do cry. Over her, over music, over playing/singing music, realization over hopelessness, acne realization.
  10. Computers - I need to start using them less and get out.
1:36 AM
Sunday, June 17, 2007.